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Other Website Links:

I have recently build a web page for our friend and neighbor, Buck Braden, an artist. Although his work is very good, and, in my opinion, tasteful, it is not appropriate for viewing in all environments. Specifically, his figurative art contains nudes that would not be appropriate for a high school environment. His maritime art is appropriate for all environments however. Given all of these caveats, his web site can be found at www.buckbradenart.com.

I have also done another web site for another artist friend of ours, Toni Avery. That site is suitable for all viewers, and is found at www.toniavery.com

Since Linda and I are big into walking, two of our favorite sites are www.ava.org, a site that lists volksporting events throughout the country, and www.walkoregon.org, a site that covers Oregon's volksport events.

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